Sunday, March 12, 2017


When doing my research, I realized there's more abuse and injustice than what what I thought... 

- Inconsistent pay. Could spend months without a paycheck.
- Many models experience sexual harassement.
- Eating disorders come with the whole model package.

I watched a video about modeling labor abuse. A big majority of models suffer of labor abuse; Models get payed on average $5,000 the 8-hour work shift but the modeling agency they're on takes 40% of the money made. Moreover, models often have expenses like hair dresser, nail salons, tan salons, makeup artists, etc, that come from their own pockets.

What amazed me the most was an article about an interview with a model called "What I wish I'd say to my fans". What influenced her to make this allegations was a message that she got from a fan saying:  
"Dear Carré,
I'm 10. What is your workout routine and what do you eat? I wish I had your body. What's it like to look like that? I would die to look like you."
Truth is, her body was not attained in a healthy way. She claimed that she took pills to sleep, exercised up to 3 times a day, and many times ate just once a day. Because she started getting so many positive comments, she thought what she was doing was right. Her diet included a few packs of cigarettes and 6 cups of coffee a day, without any type of milk because she was terrified of calories. She stated that "One morning, I was sent to the emergency room with heart palpitations and an irregular heartbeat - a culmination of 20 years of starvation."
This impacted me on another level because I realized how difficult it is to be "just a pretty face" as many call them. I have the privilege of being mentally stable and to know how to eat healthy without any type of remords. I've never felt so thankful for it.
Resultado de imagen para eating disorders

"Runway Injustice: How the Modeling Industry Exploits Young Workers." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2017.
Model: What I Wish I'd Said to My Fans." NewsComAu. N.p., 22 Aug. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2017.

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