Thursday, March 30, 2017


Well... With this project I realized that people have no commitment whatsoever.
I was supposed to film yesterday the second half of my project but the girl who was supposed to film the project (I texted her the day before to confirm) told me last minute that she couldn't come and she wouldn't let me borrow the camera either. My actress got bored of waiting for me and went eating and when I finally found a camera, she was long gone.
With this post I just want to express that it's so hard put people with different schedules to help you with something by their own will (no money involved).
Just to update my bog, I don't know when I'm going to film... Today the actress is unavailable, friday I'll be the whole day recording the soundtrack of my film and saturday I'll be in a law mock trial.
I'll probably film the first half (the girl trying to kill herself) because it doesn't need of the daytime or much light by any means. THE THING IS, I don't think these people would want to help a saturday night. Hopefully it won't take long and they'll access to it. Catch me this Saturday night filming and this sunday editing the whole day :))))))))
I swear I try to be an organized pal sometimes but nature doesn't like me.Resultado de imagen para gifs stress

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